
In this blog, i'll be telling all of you about the prototype of SearchGoggloplexia. I'm not gonna say the name, did you read the title? Anyways, Goioe! was created a few months ago. You can explore the website here. (It took me a while to find it. I eventually just gone into history and searched"wayback machine neocities.) It was archived right before the rebrand. I'll explain that domain later.
First, in that link, let me just say that the logo is not  there, but i can perfectly describe it for you: A crappy edit of the Google! 1998 logo. It was likely this 1998 logo. The second logo from the rebrand was made with Festisite (excuse me for misspelling). The prototype was built to search the entire web, not just nostalgia versions of popular websites. It wasn't even overwrited, i still have it. Look, i can just import it into here:

See? That was prototype SGP search engine. I also have "Goioe 1.1", which was possibly a prototype for the rebrand, but i'll test that one later. And now....... *drumroll*.......
Why was the old site called "the nice and cooler ones"?
Well, you didn't miss out on anything. It was supposed to be repurposed into likely my own website, but i also remember me wanting to repurpose it into a games site. I had no idea for a name, so i just called it "The Nice And Cooler Ones".
Back to the article
Basically, this was for people with no IQ on quality. JK. Really. Back to the article. Instead of targeting 1998 Google in the rebrand, i targeted 2000's Google. Y'know, the time we had that classic Google logo and not simple Sans Serif? It's basically the Nickelodeon logo of the internet. It was a great decision, because i checked the tags when i changed the site's tags and Oh Jesus there were so many 1998 Google imitators. There was a  few targeting 2000s Google too, but they barely tried to brand themselves as a different thing and didn't have any other services. I actually plan to store my own personal website on the site and make more SGP services. Speaking of storing my own site on there, that was also something that Goioe! had! Goioe! was built entirely from the source code of 1998 Google's own homepage, thanks to archive.is' amazing download service. The prototype of  the rebrand (when i actually started working on the Neocities page) was actually imported from 2001 Google's source code. After a little while, i had problems customizing it to needed. So i made it from Scratch. That doesn't mean the new site is exempt from uses of old Google's code. If you know the sitemap well, we have a About page and a custom 404. Both of these were imported from 2001 Google's version of it with help from the Wayback Machine (view source :3). The site was always a VidLii wannabe, just now it's better. No Google Search branding, no crappy logo, etc. Also, who gets nostalgia from 1998 Google......?
We would be working on owning VidLii, but we are a VidLii wannabe and also, i highly doubt the VidLii team as of right now would let us. A VidLii wannabe is 100% possible, as the original site, rebranded about like 10 times, was a site for my VidLii (that i now have to use because i ironically forgot the password to my new account and the only password stored here is the one for my old account)
The name "SearchGoggloplexia" was derived from...... you guessed it! Google, Goggol, "Gogglo" (misspelling on purpose to make the name a bit more original), and i added "Search" at the start because it's more like the VidLii name, and "plexia" because..... uh..... Goggolplexian?
For some odd reason, i still decided to link to the old address in the other links of the old site.
I also just found out too that the link to the company is actually a link to my own site! Don't worry though, i won't do the same thing. I'll link to it in other links. I'll also actually try to build up the website.
So there you go, a giant description of our site's prototype.
If i find out something else about it, i'll make a sequel blog.
Also, 2 more things:
What do you think about our new blog?
Also, here's what i think the rebrand prototype would look like:
See ya in our next blog!
NOTE AFTER WRITING: I legit misspelled "Goggol" as Google, and i EVEN misspelled "Gogglo" as "Goggol" as if the word didn't exist in the derived section. Wow.
EDIT: I was confused on if it should be a game site or my own site too.
